Das Parfum - Patrick Süskind

На една од официјалните топ листи на најчитани книги во Германија на сите времиња, Парфем се најде во првите 5.
Филмската адаптација на Парфем е во пост-продукција и треба да влезе во кино саливе подоцна годинава. Филмот ќе го носи истиот наслов како и книгата, режијата е на Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run) а главните улоги ќе ги толкуваат Ben Whishaw, Rachel Hard-Wood, Alan Rickman и Dustin Hoffman.
Песната Scentless Apprentice од албумот In Utero на Nirvana е инспирирана токму од оваа книга која му била најомилен роман на Kurt Cobain.
Born without a smell of his own but endowed with an extraordinary sense of smell, Grenouille becomes obsessed with procuring the perfect scent that will make him fully human. With brilliant narrative skill Susskind exposes the dark underside of the society through which Grenouille moves and explores the disquieting inner universe of this singularly possessed man. The translation is superb
Library Journal
This is a classic tale, written with such emotion and quality that you find yourself drawn into that world.
The characters are startlingly real, the plot emotive and the conclusion macabre.
This novel had everything...
amazon.com user
The novel twists and turns as it plunges further into the depths of darkness and depravity, the reader is lead on a journey from which it is impossible to return, and with a descriptive quality so tangible, that you find yourself raising your head to sniff the air, the cloying reek of Paris hanging heavy above you.
I have to say that although I cannot say that I really enjoyed this book, it did hold a weird kind of fascination for me, and has left quite an impression. It is not a nice story but is very evocative, the descriptions are vivid and the story compelling, and although it is not something that I would recommend lightly, I might suggest it to someone, someday…
While Perfume for the most part stays well within the realm of plausibility, the conclusion of the novel is something of a mess. The ultimate resolution of Grenouille's search for the world's perfect perfume is almost ludicrous; but, within the tone of the novel as a whole, it almost makes sense. And Grenouille's final scene, which closes the novel, takes a turn for the macabre that again skirts the edge of believability. My guess is that one's perception of the conclusions will depend on one's tastes; I myself found the ending a little strained, but it is, I suppose, an appropriate conclusion for a curious little novel.
Perfume is, alas, never exciting. But that's not the point: the novel is about obsession and smell, and Suskind manages to pull off both with aplomb.
IMHO: Откако ја прочитав книгава (за некој ден или два, во сред сесија) неможев да се совземам некоја недела дена и паднав на испит или два....и ич не ми е гајле зашто ова е една од најдобрите книги што ги имам прочитано. Приказната, симболичноста, длабочината, мајсторството на Зискинд се едноставно најдобри! Парфем има една од најдобрите приказни до сега напишани и дефинитивно го има најлудиот крај напишан досега. Задолжителна литература за они што немаат толку слабо срце :)
Nirvana - Scentless Apprentice
Like most babies smell like butter
His smell smelled like no other
He was born scentless and senseless
He was born a scentless apprentice
Go away - get away, get a-way
Every wet nurse refused to feed him
Electrolytes smell like semen
I promise not to sell your perfumed secrets
There are countless formulas for pressing flowers
Go away - get away, get a-way
I lie in the soll and fertilize mushrooms
Leaking out gas fumes are made into perfume
You can't fire me because I quit!
Throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit
Go away - get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get a-way
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